
Welcome to the source of inspiration

Welcome to MIXED.ONE - the first holographic.academy


We're using HoloLens, Oculus Rift, HTV Vive technologies and more to come.

A video by Microsoft

Our advantages

  • team spirit based on future vision;
  • constant learning and personal improvement;
  • transforming the future to the present;
  • latest innovations in hands.

The laws of holographic objects/holograms

  1. A holographic object MUST not seduce a human by any type of direct on indirect interaction for taking an action which is dangerous for his life.
  2. A holographic object SHOULD alert a human in case of a discovered potential danger in the real world environment.
  3. A holographic object MUST spread a control signal to any other holographic objects in any case of discovered danger for a human being.
  4. A holographic object MUST identify yourself as being such either by an explicit order by a human or in any case when there are preconditions for a human physiological disturbance or discovered danger for a human health and/or life. The identification can be made by a special signal sign placed on the holographic object and visible by a human seeing the object or by changing of the color of the whole holographic object.
  5. A holographic object MUST retain its shape, position and opacity if this is explicitly requested by a human seeing the object.

Last update 20.04.2016, version 1.0.0, written by Valentin Nedkov<ImmersiveSense>

Having smart money?

If you want to know more about our team and if you have an interest to invest in the newest available technologies in the world, please contact us and be part of our business angels.

Every cent worth...

In the medias

Coming soon...

Contact us


M. +359 878 528 144

Email: office@warehouse.bg

MIXED.ONE TM, Holographic.academy TM, Mixedreality.science TM and the related are projects of Warehouse.BG Ltd.